Three Essential Elements for a Compelling Character Arc
A Talk by Megan Fuentes (Author and Story Coach)
About this Talk
Wouldn’t it be great if characters didn’t merely do what they were told, but merrily set off on the adventures you had planned—and grew and learned lessons that resonated with your readers?
The first step is getting to know your characters. And I don't mean picking their eye color or deciding what their bedroom looks like. I'm talking about the core of who they are—and who they'll become throughout your story.
In this talk, we’ll explore the three essential elements of a character arc that lead to meaningful growth. No matter what outlining method or story structure philosophy you subscribe to, you must establish these three elements of an arc if you aim to have characters change in a way that feels satisfying. You can revisit these three elements while drafting to regain clarity, compare and contrast with other arcs to maintain tension throughout the story, and even craft love interests who feel made for each other (and not just because they technically are!).