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Nina Hart

The Unconventional Writer: Tools for a More Creative Storytelling Process

A Talk by Nina Hart (Founder - Writing from the Top of Your Head, Nina Hart)

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About this Talk

In this talk, we'll dive into unconventional narrative stances—storytelling approaches that break from traditional structures and open up new creative possibilities. After my late ADHD diagnosis, I began to let go of the shame around writing differently. If you’re neurodiverse or simply feel like traditional methods don’t work for you, know that you are not the problem—there are countless ways to tell a story. Whether you're an intuitive writer who struggles with plotting or a writer whose work has grown too serious or stalled, we’ll explore how embracing surprise, play, and the unconscious can reignite your creativity. As Lidia Yuknavitch says, "You belong in the room too, and we are nothing without each other." 

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24 October 2024, 03:00 AM

03:00 AM - 04:00 AM

About The Speaker

Nina Hart

Nina Hart

Founder - Writing from the Top of Your Head, Nina Hart


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