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Sarah LB

The Five Foundational Beats of A Story

A Talk by Sarah LB (Developmental Editor and Book Coach, Plume Editorial & Reedsy)

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About this Talk

In this talk, book coach Sarah delves into the five foundational units—aka story beats—that are essential to writing a novel that works. 

This presentation will address what these five foundational beats are, why they’re important to your plot and character arc, where they should ideally take place in your story, and provide plenty of tips on crafting strong beats with examples. 

These five beats are your story's building blocks; without them, your story could crumble. 

Whether you’re a plotter or a pantser, this talk will help you draft or revise a story with a strong foundation and will help you breathe new life into your plot points/character arc. 

An unmissable session for anyone who doesn’t know where to start their story, who’s stuck, who feels overwhelmed, or who wants to improve their craft. 

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Five Foundational Story Beats Workbook

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20 October 2024, 12:00 AM

12:00 AM - 01:00 AM

About The Speaker

Sarah LB

Sarah LB

Developmental Editor and Book Coach, Plume Editorial & Reedsy


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