About this Talk
Hello, beautiful writers in community! If you've attended talks with me before, you know I can be something of a firehose. A gentle, loving, compassionate firehose. Open wide! There will be goodies to take home and plenty of accommodations for all neurotypes and levels of overwhelm, as always. Today, we'll begin with a speedrun structure for everything you need to revise your manuscripts. We'll build on and deepen that structure for the aim of reviving your beloved ex-parrot. I mean story. ("This story is no more!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vuW6tQ0218). We'll get you there, and teach the subtle art of necromancing the soul of your late manuscript. Fear not! No earnest work was done in vain. No private dance with the genius that moves through you leaves without imparting treasures manifold, accessible, and refinable into new work that can sparkle and shine with the best of them. Come nobly to the work and be quenched!
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