Re-connect your Writing with your Body: Mindfulness Practices for Writers
A Talk by Nadia Colburn (Founder, Align Your Story Writing School)
About this Talk
In this talk, I'll discuss the transformative power of bringing together meditation and writing. This combination changed my life as a writer - and it can change yours, too!
For a long time, despite having a PhD in English from an Ivy League university and my work widely published in outlets including The New Yorker, I struggled as a writer.
I had a hard time really settling into my writing. I’d notice my mind would turn in circles. I often felt unable to access my authentic voice.
Soon I realized that to access my full voice and story, I needed to tap into not only the head, but also my body, heart, and spirit. I became a serious student of Buddhist teacher Thich Nhat Hanh, a vipassana meditation practitioner, and certified yoga teacher.
It was only when I began to put together the head and the heart, my training as a writer and my training as a meditator that I was able to come into my authentic voice and an aligned writing practice.
When I meditated before I wrote, I was amazed at how much more quickly I could settle into my writing and my voice with this new method. My writing was more clear, more direct, more focused, more profound, more creative, more surprising, more insightful.
I knew I had a method that didn’t just work sometimes, it worked whenever I needed a boost…and I didn’t need tons of time to do it!
Then I started introducing my students to this method. Students who had struggled all week to write would sit there and in fifteen minutes have a beautifully constructed full piece of writing. Often the pieces that they wrote in these short writing sessions needed less revision than pieces that they had worked on all for weeks.
I started to record myself and share the process more widely. I started the Align Your Story School, where I now offer courses that bring together creative writing and mindful, embodied practices. I'm looking forward to sharing this exciting work with you!