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Daniel David Wallace

Middle School (one): how to improve the middle of your novel by making it "character-first" [FREE SAMPLE]

A Talk by Daniel David Wallace (Daniel David Wallace)

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About this Talk

There are many names for the difficulties writers have with the middles of their novels: the messy middle - the sagging middle... This three-part series of talks will present a useful framework for helping you create a middle section of your book, capped by a thrilling mid-point turn or twist, that will intrigue your force and force them, with the power of 1,000 polite librarians, to keep reading all the way to the end. How? By making the middle all about the main character -- and the things they don't want.

20 October 2024, 09:00 PM

09:00 PM - 10:00 PM

About The Speaker

Daniel David Wallace

Daniel David Wallace

Daniel David Wallace

Daniel is the host of this event and the creator of the "character-first" approach, as taught in his course Plotting and Planning Your Novel.


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