How to Craft a Compelling Story Climax: 3 Keys to Dazzle Readers…And Become Their Next Auto-Buy Author!
A Talk by H. R. D’Costa (Story Structure + Stakes Expert from Scribe Meets World, HTTP://SCRIBEMEETSWORLD.COM)
About this Talk
Hey there, fellow scribe!
Does this scenario ring a bell?
You’ve wrangled your saggy, draggy middle into shape.
It’s no longer a mushy mess.
It cost you.
And now you are exhausted.
Consequently, you’re tempted to phone in the climax.
So, so tempted.
But you must resist that temptation.
Instead of caving in, you must corral everything you’ve got and craft a compelling story climax.
Because if you don’t, readers may consider you a tease.
The kind of storyteller who makes grand promises—only to let them down at the very end.
What happens, though, when you dazzle readers with the end of your story?
Then the whole outcome changes.
Then readers know you *can* go the distance.
You won’t let them down.
You will reward their investment of time and money.
Because of this, you ascend to their auto-buy lists.
Which means when they see your author name, your book instantly goes into their shopping carts.
There’s no waffling, no wavering, no hesitation.
Wait. It gets better.
As you continue to reward reader trust, you’ll eventually create a fan base who’s willing to go wherever you want to take them.
In other words, you get to have it all: artistic and financial freedom.
Does that sound good to you?
Then join me for this masterclass on the story climax, where I will share 3 keys to dazzle readers with your story ending.
Because I explore each key in detail, this masterclass runs almost 2 hours.
So make sure to set aside time on your schedule for this deep dive into the craft of writing.
You don’t want to miss it – can’t wait to see you there!
H. R. D’Costa
Story Structure + Stakes Expert from scribemeetsworld.com