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Traci Skuce

The Fully Imagined Story

A Talk by Traci Skuce (The Writing Journey with Traci Skuce)

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About this Talk

The work of the writer is to fully imagine their story and put it onto the page. But as many writers know, the transmission from imagination to page is challenging. You’ve got some plot and some character development, but things feel a little… well… flat. The spark and glitter of your imagination has faded. So how do you revive your story? How do you write a draft that’s more fully imagined? Hint: it’s hidden in your story. You just have to go on a treasure hunt. Find out how.

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21 October 2024, 07:00 PM

07:00 PM - 08:00 PM

About The Speakers

Traci Skuce

Traci Skuce

The Writing Journey with Traci Skuce

An award-winning writer, and a long-time teacher, Traci reconnects writers with their own wisdom so they can finish their stories.


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