Lies & Limiting Beliefs: Empower your hero's key plot moments
A Talk by Sue Brown-Moore (Sue Brown-Moore)
About this Talk
Is your hero caught up in a lie? 🤥 They should be, and we'll chat all about why in this interactive session on the Lies and Limiting beliefs that empower your heroes' story arcs!
There are two powerhouse characteristics that guide your key plot choices in the early and late story moments. The Lie and Limiting Belief are core elements in the loose, flexible plotting framework that 🌱 sets your hero on their growth path in the early story, then 💪 empowers them to face their biggest fear in the late story.
Join Sue and Daniel for a friendly, in-depth discussion about what these two hero traits are, why they are so important, and how to use them strategically in your stories.
🎁 PLUS, don't forget to grab Sue's FREE download to learn more about these Character Core Values and the 5 key plot Moments they empower: https://hi.suebrownmoore.com/PF2024
This special session is a brand new training on two of the most advanced Character Core Values that Sue teaches, so whether you're a pantser or plotters, don't miss this workshop premiere!
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Exclusive FREE Summit Bundle: Session recap & workbook + your Character Arc Worksheet
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