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Miranda Darrow

Miranda Darrow LLC Editor and award-winning romance author Miranda Darrow has the tips and tricks romance authors use to boost your romantic subplot in your novel of any genre.

About this speaker

Miranda Darrow helps authors cut through the clutter with a series of pithy books on writing that combine her experience as an editor and her skills from her day job as a corporate attorney. She gives an "executive summary" with an overview, key recommendations, and sources for more information where needed, with a dash of humor. These books offer checklists, flow charts, and work aids to help authors implement the writing advice without bogging down in the details. The Concise Fiction Academy books and classes are perfect for busy authors who want a writing resource but who'd rather be spending time reading comp titles or writing their work than reading large tomes on writing craft. Miranda is an award-winning author who lives in central Minnesota with her husband, teen sons, and a bossy little dog who rules the roost. She enjoys camping, boating, playing piano, and foisting her crochet projects onto everyone she encounters.

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Dash of Love: Romantic Subplots for Novels of Any Genre

23 October 2024, 04:00 PM
Miranda Darrow


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