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Mia has used her many years of procrastination experience to create Deadlines for Writers. She is a writer and a writing coach, as well as a master of desk organisation and tile grout scrubbing. After yet another year of unfinished manuscripts, random scribbles and self-loathing she decided to set a challenge for herself to write 12 Short Stories in 12 Months. It turns out she was not the only one who needed to outsource her discipline. That was eight years ago. Along with the kindest and most talented group of writers, she also started 12 Poems in 12 Months, a novel-writing challenge called 52 Scenes in 52 Weeks and the awesome 30 Days of Flash Fiction challenge. She loves coaching and doing manuscript appraisals. She is a trained copywriter and has earned her degree in Creative Writing. She has taught, coaxed, and encouraged writers for more than 13 years.

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How to Use Deadlines to Complete your Novel

23 October 2024, 02:00 PM
Mia Botha


Join 23,000+ writers who outline faster, organize smarter, and turbocharge their productivity with the #1 visual book planning and series bible software.


Designed to give you everything you need to take your writing to the next level and beyond, AutoCrit is an online software platform and educational hub for authors to help with planning, writing, and editing your books to a professional standard.

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