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Christina Strasbourg

Founder and CEO, Agents Helping Writers Creativity coach with over 15 years of experience, blending expertise in creative writing, adult education, and project management to help writers transform their manuscripts into publishable works.

About this speaker

With over 15 years of experience in the field of creativity coaching, Christina has earned a reputation as a trusted mentor, guide, and catalyst for creative growth. Drawing on a diverse background in creative writing, adult education, and project management, Christina brings a unique blend of expertise and insight to her coaching practice.

Like her clients, Christina is also a writer. She understands the creative process because she lives it every day. She is represented by Stacey Kondla of The Rights Factory. 

Driven by a deep passion for creativity and a genuine desire to see others thrive, Christina works closely with writers to help them overcome creative blocks, tap into their innate talents, and unleash their inner genius. Through personalized sessions, Christina empowers individuals to embrace their creativity with confidence, clarity, and purpose. From teaching writing techniques to brainstorming plot twists, Christina is along for the journey with each of her clients to transform their manuscripts into publishable works that meet industry standards. She's as passionate about their manuscripts as she is her own. 

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What Literary Agents Look For in Manuscripts [FREE SAMPLE]

19 October 2024, 04:00 PM
Christina Strasbourg


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