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Abigail Perry

Abigail K. Perry, LLC

About this speaker

Abigail K. Perry is a book coach and certified developmental editor who specializes in Upmarket (Book Club) Fiction, Women’s Fiction, and Curio Fiction. She is also the host and creator of the podcast, LIT MATCH, a podcast made to help writers find the best literary agent and business partner for their writing career by blending passion with business.

Abigail holds a B.S. in TV, Radio, and Film from Syracuse University (Newhouse) and a Masters in Secondary Education, English from Endicott College. Abigail taught creative writing and film for a handful of years and worked as an editorial intern and the Agency Relations Assistant for P.S. Literary Agency. Abigail lives in Massachusetts with her husband, two girls, and rescue pup. She is fluent in book and movie quotes, a monthly columnist for DIY MFA, and is writing her own book. She loves animals and nature, a story that sparks meaningful conversations and tackles big feelings, and a long walk with good company (or her latest audiobook).

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The Core of Your Story: 7 Key Scenes that Every Story Needs

22 October 2024, 11:00 PM
Abigail Perry


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